You might be interested in calculating the schedule of your ovulation phase during your menstrual cycle for a couple reasons. One reason would be if you are trying to avoid a pregnancy and will take extra precautions while you are ovulating, and the other is if you are specifically trying to get pregnant. When you are trying to get pregnant you will want to have intercourse during the time that you are ovulating for the best chance of conception. The window can be small and it is specific to each individual woman, so it might take some planning.
An ovulation calculator can be as simple as tracking some specific dates. You will need to know the day that you started your last menstrual period. If you do not know how long your menstrual cycle is, you will need to keep track of the days that you start menstruating for a couple months. An average menstrual cycle can last from 28-32 days and there are always outliers from the norm. If your cycle is on the shorter side at 28 days you may notice that you start your period at an earlier date the following month. If you have a longer cycle you might notice that the date you start you period seems to get pushed back, and if you have a 30-day cycle you might feel like you always start on the same day. Read these tips: healthstatus.com.

Your menstrual cycle starts on the day that you begin your period. From days 2 to 14 you will be in the follicular phase where the mucous in your cervix starts to thin. Ovulation can occur anywhere from day 11 to 21 of your cycle. You can track it more closely by paying attention to your body's temperature, as you will notice an increase when you are ovulating. The increase in body temperature can be attributed to the fact that your estrogen levels rise to trigger the release of the egg.

If an egg gets fertilized during this period, it can implant itself on days 23 and 24 of your cycle. This is the time when a pregnancy test will be likely to register the hormones that mean a pregnancy took place. If you do not get pregnant, during days 25-28 your hormone levels will fall and the walls of the uterus shed to prepare for another round, which is when your period takes place. Visit healthstatus.com/calculate/ovulation-calculator for your inquiries.

There are few processes in the human body more consistent and more widespread than the process of female ovulation. After all, this is the process that allows the human race to persist and thrive from generation to generation. Without ovulation, it would be impossible for a female egg cell to be united with a male sperm cell, which is how a new human life is created. This is why the process of ovulation is such an important one for many women all across the world.
Because so many women are concerned about their ovulation at various times during their lives, it's important for them to have a way to predict when they will be at their peak levels of ovulation. Although the general rule of thumb is that it will happen once every 28 days or so, this is not the case for all women. Many women tend to have schedules that are a little bit more unpredictable or that deviate from the norm. This is where having a reliable and accurate ovulation estimator can come in handy. To learn more about how these kinds of tools can make life easier for women, be sure to take a look at the post below.

The first thing you need to know is why women might choose to calculate when they will be ovulating. There are a couple of primary reasons for this. First, a woman who wants to become pregnant will need to make sure she tries to conceive most often when she is reaching the height of her ovulation. This will ensure the highest likelihood of uniting the sperm and the egg. With the help of a good ovulation calculator, you'll find it much easier to be able to get the timing right for your own conception attempts.

Women also will use an ovulation estimator if they are trying to avoid getting pregnant. This is because there is no sense in doing anything risky when the woman is in the middle of ovulation. If you want to make it a lot easier to avoid pregnancy, having an ovulation calculator can help a woman write off certain times of the month as times to avoid any extra activity that could increase her risk levels.

As you can see, there are many benefits to having access to a method of calculating your ovulation. No matter what your goals in life might be, being able to know your own body cycles is a great thing to have.

If you have questions, visit healthstatus.com/calculators.html.

Once you perfectly understand what you should be looking for, ovulation symptoms are quite easy to spot - for instance, within the ovulation period, the body will undergo several alterations that include changes within the normal vaginal secretions, cramping, slight spotting or higher body temperature. These basic ovulation symptoms are extremely subtle but taking note of them is not likely to be too hard and all you will have to do is to pay close attention to the way your body behaves during this special period of time. Here are some of the most common symptoms that ca easily be experienced during ovulation.
First, you may notice a change in your vaginal secretions that will become higher and may even have the consistency of an egg white - this happens due to all the changes in your hormones. For instance, 2 or even 3 days prior to your ovulation, you are likely to notice a clear vaginal discharge and an increase of it; if you are planning to get pregnant, you should be aware that the final days of your ovulation period is the most fertile one. You can also read more details about this at healthstatus.com.

Slight cramping is another symptom of ovulation taking place - this middle pain is usually experienced right upon the side your body is ovulating on and it is caused by the release and all the movements of your unfertilized egg that starts its way down the fallopian tube. Such mild cramping may be experienced several times per day. As for the pain that may be experienced during the ovulation period, it ca n usually be experienced each third month and when it occurs, it will take up to 8 hours to disappear but it can also persist all day long.

Also, you can experience frequent urination, nausea and bloating. Your basal body temperature will rise during the ovulation period from 0.4 to 1 degree and it's a normal symptom that should not worry you at all. Another symptom of ovulation is the increased desire for sexual intercourse as the body is making sure that none of its ovules are being wasted. So, becoming familiar with your body and the symptoms implied by your ovulation process is highly recommended especially if you are planning to become pregnant sooner or later. Keeping track of the working structures of your own body is advisable as you should be able to identify all the symptoms that occur during the ovulation. You can make use of the ovulation estimator for this case.